This is the finale to Breaking the Cycle, a sanctification series to align our decision making with God’s purpose for us. This sermon finishes with the discussion of grace and the “Lie of Lack.”

Pastor Eric Wooten

Bible references: Galatians 1:1-6, John 13:3-4 and Romans 10:9-10

We as Christians at some point have a sense of lack that we believe “sin” is going to solve for us. When we lack peace, we grab something and may start self-medicating (drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping, smoking or over eating). What are the areas in your life you feel that you lack something?

We should not have a sense of lack that causes us to make a bad decision. When we feel a sense of lack we can go against everything we say we stand for. Satan doesn’t have to get us to deny God; all he has to do is get us to believe that all Jesus has done is not enough. The sense of lack we feel is called the absence of Jesus. Whenever we feel the need to provide ourselves with something, it’s an indicator we are working from the system of lack.
Please know that Jesus’ sacrifice was done out of God’s grace so it is finished and complete. We lack nothing because of the grace God has for us. We need to fill our emotions with the truth of God’s word by lining up our lives with the truth of grace. Grace will break the cycle. Here are four things that grace does:

1. Provides peace (God’s love is unconditional)
2. Pays a price (Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was due to God’s grace)
3. Gives purpose (This sacrifice was to rescue us from the system of the world)
4. Produces praise (There is an appreciation and reverence we feel and express to him)