Bible References: 1 Chronicles 29:2-16; Luke 19:11-2; Matthew 6:21

We have this false belief that all we possess is ours; we say, “it’s mine.” In reality, all that we have belongs to God, we are merely the stewards. This is a key principle from the current series “Breaking the Cycle”. How do we shift our thinking, our beliefs, so we place God in the driver’s seat? It requires us to recognize “both riches and honor come from [God]” (1 Chronicles 29:11). Every decision we make is tied to our belief system especially financial decisions. Have you ever taken the time to consider, why do I struggle with tithing? Only 4% of self proclaimed Christians tithe.

Tithing is not about the money; it is about obedience to God. Matthew 6:21 states, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” God is never after our money, He is after our hearts. The problem is, sometimes we give our hearts to the pursuit of worldly possessions instead of God. When we go all out for God in all areas of our lives including what he has entrusted us to manage (e.g. money, cars, homes, possessions, authority, etc.) His word will transform us and his will will find us. He will provide all that we need to achieve his purpose.

When we acknowledge that all we have comes from Him (belief), we will ask “how does He want us to use His money and resources (decision)?” We will not feel guilty (outcome) about the way we handle what God has given us because we have asked for wisdom and sought to follow His guidance. Our personal appetite will recede when we recognize all that’s been entrusted to us as stewards belongs to God; we are merely managers of God’s resources during our life time. Now we can experience true contentment and peace.