Today we would like to share some words of reflection written by one of our partners in the form of a devotional.  This week’s devotional was written by Lisa Green.

The Word:
“But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was.” James 1:22-24 (NASB)

The Story:
My grandmother loved to work in the garden. She spent countless hours in extreme heat digging, planting seeds, fertilizing, and spraying vegetables. She worked hard to make sure the vegetables grew beautiful, strong, and healthy. The garden seemed to inspire her because the more she sweat, the more she was encouraged her to nurture those vegetables. After the vegetables matured, amazingly, we would see shiny red tomatoes, unscratched green beans, and a multitude of fresh crisp green okra.  Just like my grandmother spent time cultivating her produce, it is important that I allow God’s Word to change my heart and guide how I live. Although sometimes I struggle to move from encouragement of the Word towards persevering obedience to God, I keep moving forward.  I want to live my life as a doer of the Word, and not just a hearer.

The Reflection:
When we study God’s Word, we can ask ourselves, what can we do to become stronger in our effort to follow Christ? Do we have the perseverance to fully obey and live for God?

The Application:
This week, let’s think about God’s will and put Him first in everything we do. Think about the power and glory of God in every situation we encounter, whether good or bad.

The Prayer:
Dear Father, please give us the strength and grace to know Your Word, do Your will and what the Word says. We know without You, nothing is possible. Amen.