Lead Pastor, Dr. Conway Edwards

Bible References: Isaiah 58:1-12; Luke 4:18; Matthew 25:35-36; John 7:38

Fasting is an experience that can increase our appetite for God; our passion for Him.  It demands, however, that we pause and completely assess our intentions before undertaking the task.  Although we know fasting is good for us spiritually, for it to benefit our relationship with God, we first must know our intentions.  We cannot “fake the funk”. Our intentions will ultimately convict us.

Fasting allows us to abstain from what satisfies us.  If, however, we are fasting to lose weight, to “appear pious”, to be apart of the “Christian” fellowship or any other reason that is self-serving, we have missed the focus.

We are like the bride that’s left,  yearning for the bridegroom to come back. As we prepare for our bridegroom’s return we cannot delude ourselves.  This is not our home.  It is merely a place we are passing through. Instead we have gotten comfortable down here and taken another lover. We must be careful not to allow the gift to trump the Giver in our hearts.

Remember, God is most glorified in your life when you are most satisfied in Him.

  1. Hypocrisy – if you are fasting but not dealing with the sin in your life you are wasting your time and energy (e.g. holding malice against your spouse, mistreating your children)
  2. Hard heartedness – you know the truth but choose to ignore it

Follow God’s prescription for healing:

  1. Set people free (anybody that’s been bound by you set them free, forgive them)
  2. Feed the hungry and poor
  3. House the homeless; provide for them
  4. Clothe the naked
  5. Feel what they feel
  6. Put away words or gestures that show contempt for somebody else
  7. Give ourselves

This is the prescription. If we do these things and trust the Great Physician by trusting in him we can experience the following:

  1. Lightness will break out like the dawn
  2. Physical strength
  3. God will be with us and all around us
  4. He will continually guide us
  5. He will satisfy our every need
  6. We will grow and be like a garden
  7. He will restore the ruins. Everyone who encounters you will be blessed. God can use you to build others up.

Tell God your motives for fasting.  Ask for His help and guidance as you make this commitment to bring your relationship with Him into focus.