Dr. Conway Edwards, Lead Pastor

Bible References: Romans 12:2


All too often we have allowed others to “label” us; sometimes we label ourselves.  God reminds us through His actions and words in the Bible that the only one who has the right to label us is our manufacturer.  Our owner.  The One who has purchased us through Christ’s sacrifice, God Himself.

Labels limit us and impair our ability to achieve what He has planned for us. Labels can determine how we view ourselves and treat others. Our labels can imprison us; it can cause us to live our lives in fear.

We need to release the things that are weighing us down so we can achieve God’s purpose for us.  The bible directs us to not be conformed to this world or let anyone determine what is in and out.  Instead, God asks that we be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Remember:

1. Don’t allow your history to determine your destiny

2. Know the difference between weakness and wickedness

People don’t determine our destiny God does.

What labels have been placed on you?  How can you replace those with the truth of God?