Each week we present a devotional from a partner at One. Check out the devotional written by Debra Terrell.

The Word:
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (NASB)

The Story:
There is a renewed call as followers of Christ to be more diligent in our prayer lives. Whenever we neglect this area of worship, it becomes painfully obvious, as fellowship with the Lord becomes unbalanced. As individuals, we know what happens in our homes when we fail to enter our prayer closets. Our relationships suffer, depression and unhealthy attitudes prevail, or we become anxious. In the Bible, Jesus spoke of the power of praying and not losing heart. Abandonment of our own desires and prayer allows us to pour our hearts out to God.

The Reflection:
What is the current state of our prayer lives? How are we dealing with anxious feelings and thoughts? Why do we hesitate to turn to the Lord during uncertain times? Let’s reflect on those situations that are currently causing us to worry.

The Application:
When we pray individually, let’s thank God for what He has already done, and anticipate with boldness what He is about to do. That’s when God’s peace keeps our hearts and minds.

The Prayer:
Father, we thank you for providing us with the perfect remedy for anxiety. Forgive us for the times we turned to other things for solutions to uncertainty. Amen.