Pastor Conway Edwards

Bible References: 2 Corinthians12:7-12; John 8:31-36; Galatians 5:22

To fulfill our vision of “creating environments where the unchurched love to attend and the churched are fully engaged with God, insiders, and outsiders” we must demonstrate the “fruit of the spirit”.

How can we win more hearts and souls for Christ, creating devotion to God?  We need to understand and accept that:

1.     Weakness is God’s ideal working environment:

Our struggles help us remain grounded and humble.  Our life challenges can bring us closer to God when we recognize that only through Him can we have an ideal resolution. We need to surrender to Him and depend on Him.   In our weakness the Holy Spirit comes in and transforms our lives. God provides His continued strength when we are weak. His grace is sufficient for us for, His power is perfected in our weakness.   Spiritual maturity is not about strength, it is about dependency.

2.     Truth is God’s primary tool:

The more we know the word of God, the more laser sharp and sensitive we become to any form of sin.  Our sensitivity to God’s plans and desires for us make it hard for the enemy to wreak havoc in our lives because the truth, God’s word, exposes lies. A daily diet of God’s word increases our understanding and sensitivity.  Being a “self-feeder” leads to our maturity as a believer.

3.    The Final Product:

By understanding, accepting and incorporating these two principles into our lives we develop Christ’s character within us.  We become the “Final Product” strengthened by God and equipped with His truth to create and maintain a “Juicy Fruit Church” where the unchurched love to attend and the churched are fully engaged with God, insiders, and outsiders.