Each week, we share a devotional that was written by one of our partners. This week’s words of reflection is presented by Don Hunter.

The Word:
“…seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.” 2 Peter 1:3 (NASB)

The Story:
I can be rather frugal. This desire to save money came to a head when I attempted to change a headlight on my wife’s car recently.  I started out great and was excited to take the old light bulb out in exchange for the new one. However, the task became much more difficult because I realized I didn’t have the right tools.   What should have taken only ten minutes cost me almost three hours of valuable time, and even more frustration. Often times, life becomes exasperating when attempting to operate without the proper tools. Similarly, trying to live without relying on the power of God’s guidance results in dissatisfaction. Jesus Christ provides everything needed to live for His glory in this world. 

The Reflection:
How often do we attempt to handle situations ourselves instead of letting the Lord take care of us?   How often do we feel discouraged because we don’t feel like we have what we need to live the Christian life?  

The Application:
Once we say “Yes!” to Jesus, He makes His home inside of us through the Holy Spirit.  We have the tools! This week, let’s trust in His power to guide us to walk in godliness.

The Prayer:
Lord, please help us to live in the active awareness of Your Spirit living inside of us to accomplish Your will and to live in a manner that will bring You glory everyday of our lives.  Amen!