Each week, we share some words of reflection of one of our partners in the form of a devotional. This week’s devotional was written by Martha Thorpe.
The Word:
“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.”

The Story:
I have a God problem. I have until very recently believed I had a self-doubt problem. This feeling has been with me for what seems like forever, and I can trace the start back to my childhood. I have spent countless hours in counseling with therapists, friends and family trying to overcome this constant, nagging feeling. I have worn out husbands demanding that they fill up the hole in my soul. And, I have abandoned friendships because they didn’t ease my longing and pain.

The real issue is that I don’t believe that my God is who He says he is. I am reluctant to believe that He has created me perfectly, with all the gifts and abilities I need to fulfill His purpose for my life. I, like Timothy, am timid, or cowardly. I don’t believe in God’s ability to work in my life and therefore have placed more “faith” in the world and the counsel I have received there than what God says to me through His Word.
I have a God problem.

The Reflection:
How frequently do we choose to believe what others say about us rather than what God says? When we have feelings of doubt, do we first turn to God for guidance or are we timid in our faith? Do we seek out His word to heal our wounded souls?

The Application:
Today, let’s focus on how great our God is and remember that He alone is able. Let’s remember the promises He has for us, and not shy away from sharing this incredible truth with the world. Let’s continue to trust in Him and passionately seek our divine purpose, and understanding of our spiritual gifts. Let’s remember that this is all we need to accomplish His purpose for our lives.

The Prayer:
Father God, forgive us for our lack of faith. Create in us a hunger for your Word so that we may know, believe, the plans that you have for us and that we learn to faithfully turn to you in times of uncertainty. Amen.