Pastor James Womack

Bible reference: John 11: 1-44, John 6:35, 8:12, 10:9

To receive the outcome and realize the blessings God has in store, we must have faith. We must believe. We need to cultivate a relationship with God. We cannot educate or buy ourselves away from issues in our lives that require our implicit belief in God’s ever present presence with us.

Sometimes we face painful situations that might be temporarily remedied like a toothache. Pain medicine makes the ache go away. But to truly remedy the issue we need to go to the root; we need to see the dentist to set our teeth correctly. God doesn’t always immediately “rescue us” because the experience maybe needed to straighten our focus, bring us the realization that through God all things are possible, and help us face issues that we are unprepared or unwilling to recognize. He can do all things; we must believe that to be true. We must be open to God’s direction. Open to His healing action. Ready for His renewal of our spirit, our lives.

Remember, God will not do what God can do until you believe God can do it.